Welcome to the UAV Logbook documentation. This guide is designed to assist you in navigating through the various features and functionalities of UAV Logbook. Whether you are a new user looking to get started or an experienced user seeking advanced tips, this documentation will provide you with the necessary information to effectively utilize the software. From installation instructions to detailed usage guidelines and troubleshooting tips, we aim to ensure that you have a seamless experience with UAV Logbook. Let's embark on this journey to make your UAV operations more efficient and organized.
When you launch UAV Logbook for the first time, you will be greeted with the 'Settings' window, which will have default settings prepopulated. After reviewing and adjusting the settings as needed, click 'Save' or 'Close' to proceed.
The 'Settings' window will appear only if the application cannot find the database file or you have not clicked the 'Save' button in the 'Settings' window.
For information regarding the 'FTP...' fields, refer to the 'DJI FlighRecord Parsing' section.
After closing the 'Settings' window, you will see setup windows for your first drone, battery, and location.
While these setup windows can be closed without impacting the application's usability, it is essential to add these items before you can add or import any flights.
Although not completely necessary, you should try to give your drones, batteries, and locations unique names to avoid confusion.
Upon closing the 'Add Location' window, you will notice that the 'uavlogbook.db' file and an 'Imported' folder have appeared in the same folder as the the application.
The 'uavlogbook.db' file is the database file that contains all of your data. It is recommended to back up this file regularly to prevent data loss.
The 'Imported' folder is where the .csv and .txt files are placed after they are imported into the application.
After completing the initial setup, you are now ready to start using UAV Logbook. You can add/import flights, view statistics, and manage your drone operations efficiently.
For more detailed instructions on how to use the application, please refer to the 'How To...' section.
Make sure to give your drone a unique name to avoid confusion.
A serial number is not required. However, if you don't add one, imports will require an extra manual step to select the drone from a list.
Notice that for each drone, the ID in the bottom left corner will increment.
Upon closing the 'Add Drone' window, you will see your new drone(s) show up in the 'Active' list in the main window.
Make sure to give your battery a unique name to avoid confusion.
A serial number is not required. However, if you don't add one, imports will require an extra manual step to select the battery from a list.
Notice that for each battery, the ID in the bottom left corner will increment.
Upon closing the 'Add Battery' window, you will see your new battery(ies) show up in the 'Active' list in the main window.
Make sure to give your location a unique name to avoid confusion.
Notice that for each location, the ID in the bottom left corner will increment.
Upon closing the 'Add Location' window, you will see your new location(s) show up in the list in the main window.
The 'Add' button will only be enabled if there is at least 1 each of drones, batteries, and locations in your inventory.
Notice that for each flight, the ID in the bottom left corner will increment.
Upon closing the 'Add Flight' window, you will see your new flight(s) show up in the 'Flights' list in the main window. You will also notice that the 'Overall Statistics' section at the bottom of the window has been updated with the new statistics.
The FlightLogParsingService.exe is not required for the initial setup. It is only needed if you want to run the parsing service locally.
Replace [Your_App_Key] with the key you found in step 8 of the Get A DJI Develper API Key process.
Do not forget the . at the end.
Be sure to include the "Administration interface". with the installation.
It is also a good idea to select the option to have the server install as a service.
Keep note of the username and password set here.
Replace [Location_of_UAVLogbook.exe] with the path to the folder where the UAVLogbook.exe file is located.
For convenience, you can use nssm to run the FlightLogParsingService as a Windows service.
Common issues and their solutions.